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Pendulum Squat Vs. Hack Squat | Arsenal Strength

Written by Arsenal Strength | Sep 11, 2023 1:56:59 PM

To truly maximize your leg workouts, it's crucial to have a variety of exercises to  understand the distinctions between the pendulum squat and the hack squat. The pendulum squat is specifically designed to target your quadriceps while minimizing stress on your lower back, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those with back issues. On the other hand, the hack squat offers a more comprehensive workout, targeting a broader range of leg muscles and providing a greater challenge for intermediate to advanced lifters. By incorporating both exercises into your leg workout routine, you can promote overall strength and muscle development.


Understanding the PENDULUM SQUAT

To perform the pendulum squat correctly, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes turned out. Position yourself under the machine with the bar on your shoulders. Lower your body, keeping your knees in line with your toes and your back straight. Descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below. Push through your heels to return to the starting position, focusing on control and stability. The pendulum squat targets the quadriceps, with secondary activation in the glutes and hamstrings. It is suitable for beginners or those with back issues, providing a low impact on the lower back. Incorporating this exercise into your leg routine improves quadricep strength and development.


Unveiling the Hack Squat

The breakdown of hack squat mechanics, machine configuration, and posture is essential to understanding the proper execution of this exercise. When performing the hack squat, you start by positioning yourself on the machine with your back against the pad and your feet shoulder-width apart on the platform. Grasp the handles to stabilize yourself and maintain an upright posture throughout the movement. As you descend, your knees should be in line with your toes, and your back should remain straight. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below, and then push through your heels to return to the starting position.

The hack squat allows for a controlled and smooth movement, reducing the risk of improper form or injury. It enables you to focus on the targeted leg muscles and adjust the depth of the squat based on your comfort and fitness level, gradually increasing the range of motion as you get stronger and more experienced.

The hack squat targets a broader range of leg muscles, including the glutes, hamstrings, and calves, in addition to the quadriceps. The controlled movement path and fixed machine configuration provide stability and safety, minimizing the risk of injury. The ability to adjust the depth of the squat allows for customization based on individual fitness levels and goals. Additionally, the hack squat's engagement of multiple muscle groups promotes overall leg strength and development, contributing to improved athletic performance and functional movements.


Comparison #1: Muscle Activation

The pendulum squat is known for its ability to dominate the quadricep muscles and provide a targeted workout for obtaining strength in the quads. This exercise specifically hones in on the front of the thigh, helping to develop powerful and defined leg muscles. By focusing on the quadriceps, the pendulum squat can help individuals improve their overall leg strength and stability.

On the other hand, the Hack Squat offers a more balanced activation of major leg muscles. In addition to working the quadriceps, it also engages the hamstrings, glutes, calves, and smaller, stabilizing muscles in the ankles and hips. This comprehensive activation of multiple muscle groups allows for a more complete leg workout, promoting overall leg strength and development.


The Hack Squat provides a wider range of muscle activation, making it a better option for individuals looking to target multiple leg muscles and achieve overall leg strength and development. However, the choice between the pendulum squat and the Hack Squat depends on individual goals, body mechanics, and limitations. Consulting with a trainer or expert can provide guidance in determining which exercise is best. Incorporating both exercises into a leg routine and tracking progress can help individuals reach their training goals and continue to challenge their muscles.


Comparison #2: Joint Stress and Safety

When it comes to joint stress and safety, both the Hack Squat and the Pendulum squat are excellent choices. However, each exercise offers its own unique benefits in this regard.

The Pendulum squat stabilizes the back, minimizing stress on the lower back, making it ideal for individuals with lower back concerns or those looking to prevent discomfort or injury. By maintaining proper form, individuals can effectively engage their quadriceps without straining their lower back.

On the other hand, the Hack squat also prioritizes joint safety and stability. The exercise features a controlled movement path, which helps maintain proper form and reduces the risk of improper technique or injury. This stability is especially important when lifting heavy weights, as it ensures that the load is distributed evenly and that the joints are properly supported. As a result, the Hack squat allows individuals to focus on their leg muscles without compromising their joint health.


Comparison #3: Suitability for Different Fitness Levels

While both pieces of equipment are excellent choices for the most advanced lifters, the Arsenal Strength Reloaded Pendulum Squat is designed for intermediate to advanced lifters, offering a higher level of challenge and intensity with greater resistance and range of motion. It is ideal for those with a solid foundation of strength and stability. On the other hand, the hack squat is a little more beginner-friendly because of its natural movement pattern. The guided motion also reduces the risk of injury and allows beginners to focus on building strength and confidence in their leg muscles. 

Both the Pendulum Squat and the hack squat are excellent choices for individuals who want to go easy on their lower backs. The Pendulum Squat minimizes stress on the lower back by placing the load on the quadriceps, while the hack squat's machine configuration and controlled movement path ensure proper alignment and reduce the risk of lower back strain.


Comparison #4: Equipment availability and Gym Settings

Both hack squats and pendulum squats have become popular exercises in the fitness community, and many gyms now offer both machines. However, it is worth noting that the pendulum squat is a bit more specialized compared to the hack squat. Gyms equipped with Arsenal Strength machines often understand the value of having a pendulum squat, as it offers unique benefits for leg workouts.

Incorporating both the pendulum squat and the hack squat into your leg workout routine can be a great way to create a diverse and well-rounded training program. By doing so, you can target a broader range of leg muscles and promote overall leg strength and development. Optimal gym design should include both machines to cater to the varying needs and preferences of gym-goers.


Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Pendulum Squat and Hack Squat

When choosing between the pendulum squat and the hack squat, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important considerations is your fitness goals and priorities. If your main focus is on targeting and developing your quadriceps, then the pendulum squat may be the better choice for you. On the other hand, if you're looking for a more comprehensive leg workout that targets multiple muscle groups, including the glutes, hamstrings, and calves, then the hack squat may be more suitable.

Another factor to consider is your individual body mechanics and limitations. The pendulum squat is designed to minimize stress on the lower back, making it a great option for individuals with back issues or those who want to prevent discomfort or injury. On the other hand, the hack squat also prioritizes joint safety and stability, ensuring proper form and reducing the risk of improper technique or injury. This can be especially beneficial when lifting heavy weights.

Trainer or expert guidance can also play a crucial role in determining which exercise is best for you. A professional can assess your individual needs and help you choose the exercise that aligns with your goals and limitations. They can also provide guidance on proper form and technique to maximize the effectiveness of your workouts.

Incorporating variation into your workout routine is important for continued progress and preventing plateaus. By including both the pendulum squat and the hack squat in your leg workout routine, you can add variety and challenge your muscles in different ways. This can help prevent boredom and keep your workouts exciting and effective.

Progressive overload and tracking your progress are also essential for achieving your fitness goals. By gradually increasing the resistance or range of motion in your workouts, you can continue to challenge your muscles and promote strength and muscle development. Tracking your progress allows you to see how far you've come and make adjustments to your routine as needed.



The Reloaded Pendulum Squat and the Reloaded Hack Squat are versatile and effective pieces of equipment for both commercial and private gyms. They provide a wide range of benefits, including muscle activation, joint safety, and suitability for different fitness levels. Incorporating both machines into your gym can cater to the diverse needs of gym-goers and enhance leg workouts. Consult with Arsenal Strength for expert guidance on incorporating these machines into your gym design and utilize our Gym Locator to . These machines will greatly enhance your gym's offerings and help individuals achieve their fitness goals..